Brian J. Waldron, Senior Manager at HFA, embraces Habitat for Humanity’s mission of bringing people together to build affordable homes and thriving communities.
Imagine a world where everyone has a decent place to live. That is the vision that Waldron will uphold through his new appointment as Board Member of Habitat for Humanity in Monmouth County. The non-profit organization strives to bring people together to build affordable homes and thriving communities.
Habitat for Humanity approached Waldron with the hopes of bringing fresh ideas and new visions to its existing board. “I am extremely honored to be considered and voted onto such an established board and excellent organization,” said Waldron. “It really is a great opportunity for me to expand my network in a community that I love to live in.”
Habitat for Humanity has an open-door policy: All who believe that everyone needs a decent, affordable place to live are welcome to help with the work, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, political views, or any of the other distinctions that too often divide people. Waldron adds, “With the help of the community, sponsors and the board, Habitat looks to continue providing this opportunity to families for years to come.”
Waldron understands the importance of being able to have a home you can call your own and what that means to families. “Whether it’s getting my hands dirty, rolling up my sleeves and getting to work or assisting on the financial side of the organization, I look forward to experiencing the excitement that these families will have through the help of Habitat for Humanity,” he said.
At HFA, Waldron has 14 years of experience in employee benefit plans, governments, school boards, construction and non-profit entities. His many areas of expertise include performing financial statement audits, reviews and other consulting services. Waldron also serves on the Executive Board of Directors for the Monmouth Ocean Development Council in Monmouth and Ocean counties. Additionally, he has received a Certificate of Achievement from the AICPA in Advanced Defined Contribution Plans Auditing. Brian graduated from Coastal Carolina University with a B.S. in Finance and from Villanova University with a Bachelor of Accountancy. He currently resides with his wife Alyson in Tinton Falls.
Looking to the future, Waldron hopes to organize a Habitat for Humanity team-building event for HFA. “I’d like for my colleagues to experience through this great non-profit organization,” he added.
